Fully Green Future!

This month marks a few milestones in the history and legacy of Fabric Care Cleaners.
While our company is now sixty-plus years old, it was thirty years ago this month that we completed a major expansion of our original and main production facilities. Back in April of 1992, we moved into the newly double-sized facility that we still operate from today. At that time, we moved from using a single dry cleaning machine to operating with dual, side by side Bowe Permac dry cleaning machines that were the state-of-the-art, “Cadillac” machines of their day. They served us well for most of those thirty years.
In 2019, when it became difficult to source replacement parts for these machines, we replaced one of those with a new Columbia dry cleaning machine that supports a new, more environmentally friendly system called Sensene.
Sensene is a “modified alcohol solvent” that removes greasy stains as well as our previous system, and, also cleans other types of stains and spots as well or better, too. Sensene cleans white and light-colored clothing better and brighter, and the clothes have a softer, better feel to them, as well.
After over two years of operational experience with this new dry cleaning system, in March, 2022 we took the opportunity to change out our second machine and have fully gone with Sensene adding a new second “twin” Columbia machine like our 2019 model.
Now, we again have a matched set of dry cleaning machines using Sensene for the next generation of caring for your finest clothing. These machines are both larger in capacity than the original twin machines from 1992, moving from 40 pounds of clothing capacity per load to 55 pounds, increasing our throughput, as well.
The thing we are most happy to share with you is that we have taken these actions both to provide better care of your garments in cleaning quality, and to continue providing our service while simultaneously better caring for the environment.
Here’s to the next 30 years! Of course we are grateful to each of you for trusting us with you garment care for the past 60 years! Thank you.